
Biodiversity Assessments

Biodiversity supports all life systems on Earth. HIWIN fully recognizes the importance of protecting biodiversity for ecological and climate stability. In 2023, we used the TNFD’s LEAP framework to assess nature-related risks and adopted the Taiwan Ecological Network established by the MOA Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency to evaluate whether HIWIN’s factories and their locations have an impact on biodiversity in the area.

The results show that, of our 10 factory locations in Taiwan, three are situated in general administrative districts; four are located in areas identified as biodiversity priority areas by the Taiwan Ecological Network, which may be biodiversity hotspots for wildlife, critical habitats for endangered and threatened plants, or locations of significant biodiversity concerns; and the remaining three factories are located within conservation corridors that prioritize habitat restoration. The three factories in conservation corridors are Dapumei Factory 1 & 3 in a conservation corridor on the Chianan Plain and Jingke Factory in the lowaltitude mountain conservation corridor of the Dadu Plateau. Therefore, we have included ecological items relating to factory development and surrounding areas in our assessment, developed various measures to mitigate negative natural impacts, and will be identifying opportunities for positive environmental impacts.

Ecology Education Promotion

Ecological education film -“We Love Living Here”

Global Chairman Eric Y. T. Chuo (PH.D.), the founder of HIWIN, not only prioritizes the production and operation of our factories, but also places great emphasis on the landscape and green design of our facilities to create a welcoming environment. During the construction of Yunlin Factory 1, HIWIN took the initiative to adopt 12 native species of camphor trees from Laoshu Mama in 2010. This not only provided a new home for these old trees, but also created green spaces for our employees to relax and rejuvenate. With the dedicated care of our employees, these camphor trees have flourished, attracting birds to make HIWIN their home and reproduce.

Driven by curiosity and a love for nature, Enid H.C. Tsai, the President of HIWIN, invited Director Yu Shu Liu to lead the Hytree Studio team in exploring and documenting the diverse bird species in this small forest. In January 2021, the HIWIN Education Foundation commissioned the expert bird photography team from Swarovski Optik Taiwan to begin an ecological record of the birds in the old tree area of Yunlin Factory. This film tells the story of how 12 old camphor trees attracted a large number of birds, leading to an abundance of birdlife that caused significant inconveniences to the company’s employees due to bird droppings. The technology factory, by “thinking outside the box,” turned this situation into a documentary, helping us understand the story of the birds and how to develop empathy for coexisting with nature while protecting the “biodiversity” environment.

In 2023, the documentary premiered in Taipei and Taichung, drawing large audiences to our ecological education events. The overwhelming positive feedback led to an additional screening, bringing the total number of attendees to 548. HIWIN later partnered with Taiwan Television Enterprise and TaiwanPLUS, established by the Public Television Service Foundation, to air the film both in Taiwan and abroad. The film was widely promoted in HIWIN to raise employee awareness of ecological protection. The film reached 96.8% of employees, with 3,656 of HIWIN employees watching it across 80 screenings. At HIWIN, we hope that ecological conservation and environmental sustainability begins with you and me and we strive to create a better and more sustainable future for Taiwan.

The date of the Taichung premiere was selected to coincide with Earth Day

Traces of northern lapwings

Yunlin County, one of Taiwan’s largest agricultural counties, boasts fertile soil that yields high-quality agricultural products. In the neighboring farmland of HIWIN’s Yunlin Factory, a group of northern lapwings migrates here to spend the winter. These birds, often referred to as “peanut birds,” have a tendency to rest in peanut fields. However, due to the expansion of modern intensive agriculture, many of the areas where the northern lapwings used to land are now facing pollution and fragmentation. Furthermore, the lack of knowledge about the species’ habits among farmers has led to their eviction, further impacting their survival. A survey conducted by BirdLife International reveals a declining trend in the population of northern lapwings. In 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) upgraded the status of the northern lapwings from a least-concern species (LC) to a near threatened species (NT).

Starting from December 2022, the HIWIN Education Foundation has partnered with the Wild Bird Society of Changhua, the Wild Bird Society of Yun-Lin, and Swarovski Optik Taiwan to develop the “Traces of Northern Lapwings” program. Under the initiative, we successfully tagged nine northern lapwings with satellite transmitters in 2023, allowing us to track their migration routes and learn about their ecological habits and habitat distribution. In doing so, we aim to promote eco-tourism in Yunlin, designate indicator species, develop eco-friendly agriculture, and conduct ecological education activities at nearby Yuan Chang Elementary School and Pinghe Elementary School. These efforts are designed to spread awareness of conservation and emphasize the importance of preserving our natural environment and biodiversity.

Ecological education volunteer activities

The HIWIN Volunteer Group is committed to upholding corporate social sponsibility and has continued to take action to give back to society. In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on ecological issues. As such, we have organized “ecological education” tours, inviting underprivileged children (and their parents) to step outdoors and connect with nature. These educational activities are our way to give back to the community with love and action. In 2023, we held two events, with 24 volunteers participating and benefiting 78 individuals.

In July 2023, in collaboration with the Jacana Ecological Education Park in Guantian District, Taiwan, we led a group of children Family & Children Center in Yunlin through games to explore the impact of human activities on the environment and ecology, experience the challenges and crises faced by jacanas, develop birdwatching skills by observing bird habitats and behaviors at the park, and become citizen scientists. In November 2023, in partnership with the Formosan Golden Bat’s Home in Shuilin Township, Yunlin County, we worked with the Family & Children Center in Beigang to provide local students with a deeper understanding and appreciation of their local ecology and Taiwan’s vulnerable species. Together, we created and donated six bat houses to the Home for placement in National Forest Recreation Areas and other monitored locations. Through these volunteer activities and guided tours, children learned about the ethics, knowledge, mindsets, and values needed to protect and strengthen our environments.